fob life.
13 December 2010

Shome peoplesh jusht twy to takesh the brame out on othersh sho they don'ts gets da brames. Dat's so wrong. Sheriousry. Jusht gives shomeone erse da brame sho you doeshn't gets it. WHATSH YOURS PROBREMS?! Get oversh yoursherf arready.

I alsho think shome people should shtop being sho two faced. trying to impreshs peoplesh much? well, i doeshn't thinksh that itsh working. GET ROST. AND STAY ROST! okays? 

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Wercome to our brog. If you have someting mean to say here, go repeat it fifty thousand time in front of a mirror :). +no spam or coke please :) okaaaaaaay?

Respect us & us-es blog and I'rr respect you.

Re rar Chan Rip and re rar rOt rifty rousand gears rold. Re utterly despRICE tarkring in frob ranguage (jokring). re rove tarking frob ranguage uh~~lets leave that part out thanks.

Prease lesprect raur brog rand de preople who woet it.
ChatToDaFrobs. :)

your a bish fruck ash hrole
a tweenrager's rife
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Fobs ftw
i has rew famry membar
Herro :)